I want to become a member of LesCommunity e. V.

Contributions from our members form an important foundation for our work. Although the work of the LeTRa lesbian counseling center is largely subsidised by the city, the LesCommunity e. V. has to contribute its own funds to fund its various offers. This is achieved, for example, through contributions to women, donations and event admissions.

Online declaration of joining

Declaration of joining:

I hereby join the LesCommunity e. V.


The minimum annual contribution starts at 50,-€ (after self-assessment gladly more), reduced 30,-€.
The membership fee is tax deductible.

I choose the following method of payment (please mark with a cross)

Method of payment:*

Direct debit authorization:

By sending this form I authorize the association LesCommunity e. V.to collect my contribution. I can revoke this direct debit authorization in writing at any time.

Please calculate 7 plus 8.