LesCommunity e. V. introduces itself
In 1995, counseling for lesbian women in Munich was about to end. The lesbian counseling center, at that time the only lesbian safe space in town and located in a small backyard, had to close due to financial cuts. Seven young female volunteers did not want to accept this and took over the LesCommunity e. V. Their aim was to maintain the space, offer voluntary over-the-phone counseling and organise events. After intensive negotiations, two full-time social pedagogues started offering personal counseling for individuals and couples as well as coming out groups in January 1997. At this time, our grassroots, non-hierarchical decision-making structures came to life. Seven volunteers and six full-time employees have been making vital decisions regarding the organisation in board meetings.
Our public relations specialist joined us in 1999 and the association moved to its current premises on Angertorstraße in the queer-friendly area of Glockenbachviertel. Since then, the Lesbentelefon e.V. has been visibly anchored in the city.
In the following years the association grew, two consultants and one administrator joined the team. At the end of 2012, additional rooms were rented in Blumenstrasse, where the advice center is still located today. In 2014 the LeTRa center finally opened in Angertorstrasse.
LesCommunity e. V. has grown over the years and is now the sponsoring association for a large number of offers and activities. It hosts the advice center, public relations and the center for specialized training, and is one of the four large socio-political associations that organise and are responsible for the CSD Munich during Pride Week. For 20 years it has been helping make lesbian life in Munich visible.
Without your commitment and your help, LeTRa would not exist. We depend on your donations and membership fees, which are an important part of our funding. More information is available here: donation page