Connecting the dots: Diversity and Inclusion in LGBTIQ Communities
abibi Kiosk meets LesCommunity e. V. is starting into the new season!
18th of October, 7pm Maximilianstr. 26
Connecting the dots: Diversity and Inclusion in LGBTIQ Communities
The question if there’s such thing as ONE queer community or multiple communities comes up often. Should we strive for unity – or would it lead to uniformity and silencing peoples perspectives? How can we strengthen true diversity and inclusion, how can we amplify each other's voices in solidarity?
At this talk, we want to exchange thoughts, new perspectives in different ways.
Ifunanya Concilia Dimaku, M.D. (she/they) is a medical doctor and holds a Master's degree in International Health System Management. She is a human rights activist, particularly for women's and LGBTQ+ rights, and writes under her artist name Chribaxe.
Cameron Kakande (He/She/They) is a Queer and HIV activist. Cameron is a sex educator, and for the last three years, Cameron's work has focused on the intersections between health, gender, sexuality, and (forced) migration across Germany. Cameron is part of Africa Community Advisory Board (AfroCAB), an entity that advocates for better HIV policies. They are a member of Beyond Colour, co-founder of People Like Us (PLUS) a queer led refugee and migrant organization based in Munich.
Kal Eke identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. They're the founder of QueerBipocsMunich . Even before that they hav been very active in the queer community in Munich and have helped organize different queer spaces. They also have 5+ years of professional experience working in the social field, specifically migration.
QueerBiPocsMunich is a group which aims to create a safer space for queer people of color aged 18-35 in and around Munich. �The space was born out of many discussions with fellow queer people of color voicing their frustrations with feeling uncomfortable and othered in already existing predominantly white queer spaces in Munich.�Right from the first meet-up the number of attendees showing up has been beyond expectations. �
18th of October, 7pm Maximilianstr. 26
Connecting the dots: Diversity and Inclusion in LGBTIQ Communities
The question if there’s such thing as ONE queer community or multiple communities comes up often. Should we strive for unity – or would it lead to uniformity and silencing peoples perspectives? How can we strengthen true diversity and inclusion, how can we amplify each other's voices in solidarity?
At this talk, we want to exchange thoughts, new perspectives in different ways.
Ifunanya Concilia Dimaku, M.D. (she/they) is a medical doctor and holds a Master's degree in International Health System Management. She is a human rights activist, particularly for women's and LGBTQ+ rights, and writes under her artist name Chribaxe.
Cameron Kakande (He/She/They) is a Queer and HIV activist. Cameron is a sex educator, and for the last three years, Cameron's work has focused on the intersections between health, gender, sexuality, and (forced) migration across Germany. Cameron is part of Africa Community Advisory Board (AfroCAB), an entity that advocates for better HIV policies. They are a member of Beyond Colour, co-founder of People Like Us (PLUS) a queer led refugee and migrant organization based in Munich.
Kal Eke identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. They're the founder of QueerBipocsMunich . Even before that they hav been very active in the queer community in Munich and have helped organize different queer spaces. They also have 5+ years of professional experience working in the social field, specifically migration.
QueerBiPocsMunich is a group which aims to create a safer space for queer people of color aged 18-35 in and around Munich. �The space was born out of many discussions with fellow queer people of color voicing their frustrations with feeling uncomfortable and othered in already existing predominantly white queer spaces in Munich.�Right from the first meet-up the number of attendees showing up has been beyond expectations. �