Counseling center of LesCommunity e. V.

Deutschkonversationskurs April - Juli 2024

German Conversation Course January 2025
Do you want to meet other lesbian, gay, bi, trans*, inter* and non-binary migrants and refugees?
Do you like to learn to speak German better in a group of LGBT*I*s from all over the world?
Do you want to get to know Munich’s LGBT*I*Q scene better?We meet twice a week from  13.01.-17.04  (joining at a later point is possible at any time)MONDAY: 7.30 pm, LeTRa-Zentrum, Angertorstraße 3
THURSDAY: 7.30 pm, Sub, Müllerstraße 14Participation fees are between 50,- and 80,-€ depending on your possibilities. Refugees, students and unemployed participants don’t have to pay these fees.For registration and questions, please contact Raphael Kosecki at:

Mehr Informationen

International Lesbian Café every second Wednesday of the month

International Lesbian Cafe
Welcome are all lesbian, bisexual and trans* people from all over the world.
It's a place where we support each other, have drinks together, meet new interesting people and over all have fun no matter where you are coming from!
Where: Angertorstraße 3, LeTRa, 5pm start
LeTRa: Anstehende Events

How to contact us

Via phone:

General information and requests:
089 - 725 42 72

General counseling:
089 9982959 30

Counseling for refugee lesbians:
089 9982959 31

By email:

The german conversations course is on again! 15th of January 2024

The German conversation course starts again! From now on registrations for the next module are possible via mail  The first modul of 2024 goes until April. You can find all further information here: German Conversation Course

Adress refugee counseling is happening at Angertorstraße 3

Adresse: Refugee Counseling is happening at Angertorstraße 3

Attention: Refugee counseling is in our rooms in Angertorstraße 3. Our main office is in Blumenstraße 29.

Invitation to the “International Café revival” on 27th of April !

Dear all,
after a very long Covid-break the LeTRa /LesCommunity volunteers are reactivating the “International Café” on 27 April, starting at 5 pm (until around 9pm) at Angertorstrasse 3 in Munich.
We would like to invite all refugee women, lesbians, inter and trans persons, and friends of LeTRa to come by to meet and chat.
We´re going to have music and something to eat and drink.
The 2 G rule applies, this means that persons who recovered from COVID or fully vaccinated persons are admitted.
Happy to see you all again!
LeTRa: Anstehende Events

Renaming: Lesbentelefon e. V. becomes LesCommunity e. V.

With the LeTRa Lesbenberatung, the Regenbogenfamilienzentrum and the LeZ, lesbian-queer center, the association behind the three facilities has long offered far more than the old name Lesbentelefon e. V. suggests. After 36 years the association received therefore a new name:

LesCommunity e. V. - Begegnung.Beratung.Empowerment.

We are very happy to be able to take this step together with you.

DKK geht wieder los

German conversation course

Attention: As of 22. February: Currently it is not possible to register for the current course, as soon as the start date of the next module is set, this will be updated here, as well as announced via our newsletter.


Our german course for LGBTIQ* starts again 25th of April.

All further Information can be found here:

Deutschkurs / German course

Neues Stellenangebot

Welcome to our website!

We are very happy to now be able to present our website, information and offers in English. Please note that this is still in the process of being built up. If you notice anything missing, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via e-mail to